Family get together of Calicut chapter will be held on 16th June 2019 at Marina Residency, Kozhikode at 10 am.
All members from Calicut and Kannur chapter are welcome.
Please confirm your attendance to any of the office bearers( Calicut chapter) as early as possible.


All Veterans are required to keep the following  Certificates, Documents in a separate folder naming      NAVAL DOCUMENTS”
Ø  Discharge certificate/Book
Ø  IN 271
Ø  Original P.P.O. (Pension Payment Order)
Ø  Corrigendum  PPO for family Pension if received
Ø  Above PPO if not received, to write a letter to Staff Officer, Naval Pension Office, Mumbai
Ø  Pension Book sent by CDA, Allahabad on retirement
Ø  Pension Account Bank Pass Book
It  is better o make a “WILL” in advance  in the name of wife or children as one wish for sharing or transferring movable or unmovable assets such as property, vehicles or any other in a stamp paper certified by a Notary .This is Confidential and Same can be kept in an envelope , sealed and keep alongwith other documents.

Actions to be initiated by spouse or Next of kin of veteran in the event of a deceased .
§  If the family realize that veteran is in last breath at home,  immediately bring a Docotr to verify and certify death.
§  In case admitted in Hospital and passed away, obtain a certificate from the Doctor treated the veteran.
§  With that certificate, contact Village Office.

§  Request for a certificate  From Village officer :
i)              Mentioning that veteran has married only once and to issue a   relationship certificate for the purpose of Death Certificate.
ii)            Also request them to issue a dependency certificate (which will take some time to get)
iii)          In case any change in name or initial of veteran in P.P.O. or
Pension certificate/Book, request for a “ One and the same certificate” from Village officer.

§  With the above certificate  , Contact Panchayat, Muncipal or Corporation Office for Death Certificate .
§  Take  about 20 copies of Death certificates signed in ink and stamped (Not Photostat copies) and keep handy.
§  With all papers as mentioned below, approach the concerned Pension Drawing Bank/DPDO  with all papers mentioned in the enclosure below.
§  Write a letter the Staff Officer, Naval Pension office, Mumbai  with all relevant papers as mentioned in the anclosure below. Copy to
 Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (P), Navy, Mumbai. (PCDA)
§  Approach DSSAB (Sainik Board), Kannur (Civil Stn.)w ith filled up form for
Cancellation of Ex.Serviceman ID and issuance of ID for wife. Also for further action  by their guidance
§  Send a letter to CNS (for Secretary NGIF), MOD(Navy),  New Delhi for payment of PRDIES – 82 (Post Retirement Death Insurance Extension Scheme-82) if applicable.
§  Write letter to Commandant, DSC Centre, Kannur for death grant of Rs.10,000/=
§  Send a Registered letter to CRSO, HQSNC,  Kochi ith filled up form for lumpsum grant of Rs. 30,000/= . To send by speed post with self addressed and stamped envelope attached.
§  Contact Station HQs, Kannur (Near Govt.Hospital) with Filled form or with a letter along with ECHS card and Unit Canteen card for veteran’s cards cancellation.
§  Request BSNL to transfer land line telephone connection if in veteran’s name to wife’s name for future billing.
§  Request KSEB for transferring Electrical connection and future billing in the name of house owner.
§  Request R.T.O. (Licencing Authority)for transferring vehicle  registration in the name of wife or ho so ever concerned.
§  Request Income Tax department for closing of file of the deceased, ith for wealth tax assessment. Netter take advise of  a Chartered Accountant.
§  Request Bank/s or DPDO to transfer Account/FDs in the name of nominee .
§  Request LIC/GIC/Insurance company concerned  for insurance policies covering for transfer of ownership.
§  Request District Supply Officer /Taluk  Officer to cancel name of the veteran from Ration Card.