All Veterans are required to keep the following  Certificates, Documents in a separate folder naming      NAVAL DOCUMENTS”
Ø  Discharge certificate/Book
Ø  IN 271
Ø  Original P.P.O. (Pension Payment Order)
Ø  Corrigendum  PPO for family Pension if received
Ø  Above PPO if not received, to write a letter to Staff Officer, Naval Pension Office, Mumbai
Ø  Pension Book sent by CDA, Allahabad on retirement
Ø  Pension Account Bank Pass Book
It  is better o make a “WILL” in advance  in the name of wife or children as one wish for sharing or transferring movable or unmovable assets such as property, vehicles or any other in a stamp paper certified by a Notary .This is Confidential and Same can be kept in an envelope , sealed and keep alongwith other documents.

Actions to be initiated by spouse or Next of kin of veteran in the event of a deceased .
§  If the family realize that veteran is in last breath at home,  immediately bring a Docotr to verify and certify death.
§  In case admitted in Hospital and passed away, obtain a certificate from the Doctor treated the veteran.
§  With that certificate, contact Village Office.

§  Request for a certificate  From Village officer :
i)              Mentioning that veteran has married only once and to issue a   relationship certificate for the purpose of Death Certificate.
ii)            Also request them to issue a dependency certificate (which will take some time to get)
iii)          In case any change in name or initial of veteran in P.P.O. or
Pension certificate/Book, request for a “ One and the same certificate” from Village officer.

§  With the above certificate  , Contact Panchayat, Muncipal or Corporation Office for Death Certificate .
§  Take  about 20 copies of Death certificates signed in ink and stamped (Not Photostat copies) and keep handy.
§  With all papers as mentioned below, approach the concerned Pension Drawing Bank/DPDO  with all papers mentioned in the enclosure below.
§  Write a letter the Staff Officer, Naval Pension office, Mumbai  with all relevant papers as mentioned in the anclosure below. Copy to
 Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (P), Navy, Mumbai. (PCDA)
§  Approach DSSAB (Sainik Board), Kannur (Civil Stn.)w ith filled up form for
Cancellation of Ex.Serviceman ID and issuance of ID for wife. Also for further action  by their guidance
§  Send a letter to CNS (for Secretary NGIF), MOD(Navy),  New Delhi for payment of PRDIES – 82 (Post Retirement Death Insurance Extension Scheme-82) if applicable.
§  Write letter to Commandant, DSC Centre, Kannur for death grant of Rs.10,000/=
§  Send a Registered letter to CRSO, HQSNC,  Kochi ith filled up form for lumpsum grant of Rs. 30,000/= . To send by speed post with self addressed and stamped envelope attached.
§  Contact Station HQs, Kannur (Near Govt.Hospital) with Filled form or with a letter along with ECHS card and Unit Canteen card for veteran’s cards cancellation.
§  Request BSNL to transfer land line telephone connection if in veteran’s name to wife’s name for future billing.
§  Request KSEB for transferring Electrical connection and future billing in the name of house owner.
§  Request R.T.O. (Licencing Authority)for transferring vehicle  registration in the name of wife or ho so ever concerned.
§  Request Income Tax department for closing of file of the deceased, ith for wealth tax assessment. Netter take advise of  a Chartered Accountant.
§  Request Bank/s or DPDO to transfer Account/FDs in the name of nominee .
§  Request LIC/GIC/Insurance company concerned  for insurance policies covering for transfer of ownership.
§  Request District Supply Officer /Taluk  Officer to cancel name of the veteran from Ration Card.

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