Dear Members,   there are few frequently asked questions and the answers are here. If you have any more queries feel free to ask the administrator.
Q 1. Am I required to join this website?
A.1. You may join any time. But it is mandatory to register with an email id(gmail), so that you get access to this site even when it is secured.
Q 2. Is our site secured?
A 2. At present site is opened to all. We may go” secured” at random interval to check our security status. This period only registered members can log in. So it is better to register as early as possible.
Q 3. Is registration chargeable?
A.4. Registration is free. Send your email id to the administrator.
Q.5. Can I up load any files, such as photos, profiles, articles etc.?
A.5. Sorry...now we do not have provisions for this. In future it can be done after the approval of executive committee members. For uploading you may send your photos etc. To the administrator and it will be uploaded soon without any monetary involvements.
Q.6. Sometimes I am not able to log in this site. What is the remedy?
A.6. If you have not registered, then it may be impossible while our site is “secured”.  When it is open to all sometimes it is difficult to log in due to server problems...please be patient and keep reloading the site URL or refreshing the link.
Q.7. How do I know that the site is secured or not?
A.7. One week notice will be given through our scrolling news on top and right side of our pages.
Q.8. Can I make the payment of Fleet Meet registration on line?
A.8. Sure. Please contact administrator.
Q.9. Why my name is not listed in either MEMBERS, or CALICUT chapter?
A.9. It may be due to various reasons.
      a) You might not have paid the life membership.
      b) You might not have filled the membership form.
    So if your name is not listed, please contact the respective secretaries or executive members.

FOR ANY MORE DOUBTS, PLEASE CONTACT THE ADMINISTRATOR ON PHONE 09497054626 OR mail to   premankunniyoor@gmail.com


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